Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Christmas Camo Print Stockings

It was our first Christmas as a couple and he was deployed!  

I had gotten into the habit of sending a care package just about every month and each time I had a theme or crafted item in the box. Little did my now husband know what a crafter he was getting himself into but that is a story for a different day.  At any rate I thought to myself I have to make this Christmas memorable since we aren’t even in the same continent plus our anniversary is December 28. All the ideas I had come up with sounded trite or childish.  I needed to come up with something to accommodate our different religions, tie in the holidays AND our anniversary AND make it fit into a Priority Mail APO box. I swear I drove myself insane until the idea hit me. I was going to send him a ring (if I’m off the market as noted by my engagement ring then he was going to be off the market too!) but what it would be wrapped in…. ha ha there lay a spark of genius.

His ring, still in its box, was on my dresser starring at me, taunting me. It seemed as it wanted to ask “what are you going to wrap me in?”

2 weeks of design, research, fine needle crafting, trial and error let along the time to find the appropriate materials I had my masterpiece ready. I stuck the ring deep inside the stocking, folded it neatly to where you could see his name hand-embroidered and filled the rest of the box with his favorite snacks and snacks he could share. The idea was he could hang the stocking from the makeshift fireplace they had downrange and stuff it with snacks for him and his buddies after taking the ring out of course. So I drove my happy little butt to the post office and shipped my soldier his box. A week later, yes it arrived to Afghanistan that fast, he managed to sneak in a call to tell me he had gotten the box. He thanked me for the snacks and how much he loved the stocking! He knew it was handmade of course and was amazed at the hand embroidery. He told me he had shown it around and the compliments it had gotten, as flattered as I was about his pride in the stocking, he hadn’t mentioned the ring!  I finally asked if he had looked inside, of course he hadn’t, the box and ring were too small to notice or make a dent in the huge almost 20” stocking. As we were on the phone, before our 10 minutes ran out, I asked him to look inside the stocking; finally he saw the ring we picked out just 2 months before during his R&R. I will spare you of the mushiness that ensued.

I now make a version of his Christmas stocking as they make great gifts or care package ideas. You can find them here or here on Etsy. I am also listed on eBay

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